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Terra Linda High School
Class of 1969 - San Rafael, California USA
It's time once again for the annual:
Terra Linda Scholarship Foundation
Senior Awards Night Ceremony!
(And, we're all invited to attend...)
Here's the basics...
What:  Presentation of the 15th TLHS Class of 1969 Scholarship Award in the amount of $1,200! (along with 35 other awards)
When:  Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 - Beginning at 6:00 PM PST
Where:  The Senior Awards Night ceremony will take place in the Performing Arts Center on the TLHS Campus in San Rafael, CA. (To see a current 'TLHS Campus Map' please 'click' here )
Class of 1969 Classmates Take Note: We've also been invited by the TLSF to join them for the Terra Linda Scholarship Foundation Donor Reception, which will be held starting at 5:00 p.m. in the 'College and Career Center' in the new Student Commons building.
((( If you can attend the Donor Reception please RSVP here:
so that we can notify TLSF about who all is going to be there. )))
Why:  To award approximately $48,000+ in scholarships to students in the Class of 2024. (Including the 15th winner of our Class of 1969 Scholarship Award!)
C U there if U R able to attend...
55th Reunion Registration is Now OPEN!
Please 'click' Here to Sign Yourself Up...
There are Four (4) 55th Reunion Events to
Choose From Over Three Days...
Great Fun, Warmth and Togetherness for All!
Theme: "Revisiting Our Roots Together..." 
Dates: October 11-13, 2024
(Locales: In and around Terra Linda/San Rafael, CA)

If you would like to 'see' who is coming to each event please 'click' here and use the 'Attending' links at the top of the page to monitor 'Registrations & Reservations' for each day's activities.

Your 'Safe' and 'Secure' sign-up process can be
completed in several 'Easy' steps starting right here:


Our Trojan Spirit is Strong!
BTW, You can support our TLHS Scholarship Fund
with the purchase of this gorgeous Beer Stein!
Just 'click' the image above and order it now!
Let's Celebrate Together!
FYI:  If anyone is going to have difficulty paying for, or getting to, any of our 55th Reunion Events over the weekend of October 11-13, 2024 this webpage is for YOU!
Our Class of 1969 Scholarship Award (the only one of its kind at TLHS) is presented each Spring to a qualified graduate by the 'Terra Linda Scholarship Foundation'
You can safely and securely donate to our fund (in any amount) right now through PayPal!
Learn more about our past Scholarship award winners here:


Thanks for keeping our 'Trojan Spirit' alive!
